Sleeplessness cuts across political parties equally
Greatest relative increase in diagnosis rate occurred among 26- to 34-year-olds; greater increases seen for females versus males
The risk for mild dementia reduced by approximately 13 percent in 'weekend warriors'
Additional benefits include significant improvement in the physical and mental states of people with alcohol use disorder
A considerable number of older adults have lower-than-recommended intake
However, from 2013 to 2023, there was a decrease in heroin concentration
Highest risk seen on Mondays and New Year's Day
Age-corrected standard scores for children's attention and inhibitory control lower for those exposed to cannabis
Highest prevalence of experiencing four or more ACEs seen for females, non-Hispanic multiracial, gay or lesbian, bisexual, questioning
During the study period, there was an 11-fold increase in food allergy-related referrals