Significant increase seen in prepandemic EMS encounters, followed by immediate, significant increase with pandemic interruption
Dose-response relationship seen, with increased odds for high doses of amphetamine
Men had higher overdose rates for all substances apart from opioids and psychotropics
No increase observed in diagnoses following onset of COVID-19, but increase seen in proportion of women filling benzodiazepine prescription
Higher odds of all eating disorder symptoms also seen in association with problematic social media, mobile phone use
Proportion of telehealth prescriptions climbed across medications
Patients with CRS have increased risk for developing common psychiatric disorders and vice versa
Only 13 percent of the posts from 25 nicotine brands complied with both FDA health warning requirements
Direct causal effect of childhood BMI on schizophrenia seen in Mendelian randomization analyses, independent of adulthood BMI
U.S. counties with higher levels of health insurance, broadband coverage have lower suicide rates