Of the about one-third receiving stimulant medication, 71.5 percent had difficulty filling prescription due to unavailability

Dietary intake associated with high inflammation reported more often in men, younger adults, non-Hispanic Blacks

Influenza vaccination rates higher for those receiving one of six intervention letters versus usual care

Associations appear to be stronger for White teens versus Black or Asian teens

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome can be as common as complications of other chronic conditions

Significant reduction seen in secondary outcome of long-term depression but not in medium-term depression

Warnings for youth resulted in marked increases in psychotropic drug poisonings and suicide deaths

ACEs contribute substantially to suicide attempts, seriously considering attempting suicide, prescription opioid misuse

Frequent use linked to higher prevalence of bullying victimization, persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness

Low rates of treatment observed, with only 26 percent receiving minimally adequate mental health treatment