Universal screening for cannabinoids recommended before surgery; elective surgery should be postponed in some cases

Worse outcomes seen for mental health, pain, unhealthy lifestyle behaviors, and psychosocial health factors

Intervention to increase social work staffing on primary care teams serving rural veterans tied to increased use of palliative care following hospitalization

Larger benefit seen among those aged 13 years or older or with a mental illness, depression diagnosis

Text message-based platform enhances self-efficacy for managing symptoms of IC/bladder pain syndrome

Significant effects seen for treatment condition and time for participants who used Bio Ware during one or more IVEs

Correlation of PHQ-2 scores with neutrophil count greater and significant only for women

Psychiatric capacity structurally inequitable along both income gradient and rurality

180-day hospitalization risk significantly increased following endocarditis for those with opioid use disorder, cocaine use disorder

No significant moderators identified for the association, possibly due to small number of studies included