Depression scores reduced significantly for single 25-mg dose versus 1-mg dose, but not for single 10-mg dose

Rate even higher among younger adults aged 20 to 49 years, with an estimated one in five deaths

Findings pronounced for mothers experiencing higher perceived stress during the prenatal period

Pregnant people with autism also report lower satisfaction with prenatal health care

Most of the money will go toward programs that expand treatment for addiction, provide overdose antidotes, support prevention efforts

Substantial number of Veterans Health Administration patients received buprenorphine from phone-only telehealth

Findings pronounced for young adult women who have more psychiatric diagnoses and hospitalizations than autistic men and nonautistic people

Small study suggests green light therapy might reduce anxiety in patients with fibromyalgia who are taking opioids for chronic pain

However, no significant differences seen in opioid use postoperatively between cannabis users and nonusers

Benefits may include decreased anxiety, increased technical and overall satisfaction