Individuals who score higher on food responsiveness lose more weight in the responsiveness to cues interventions
A 5-mg dose of melatonin can improve sleep in both the biological daytime and nighttime
However, rates showed great variation by country, with the highest rates seen in Greenland and the United States
More than twofold risk of acute pulmonary embolism and respiratory signs and symptoms among survivors aged 18 to 64, ≥65 years
Pharmacotherapy for alcohol use disorder linked to reduced incidence of hepatic decompensation in patients with cirrhosis
Average length of boarding increased more than twofold; about half of patients experienced extended boarding of two or more days
Safety of e-cigarettes in pregnancy is similar to that of nicotine patches while possibly more effective
Elevated systolic BP and diabetes mellitus most important vascular risk factors for increased 10-year incident dementia risk at age 55
Model based on six clinical predictors explained 61.4 and 49.8 percent of variance in body clearance of lithium, respectively, in two cohorts
Also, this study of adolescent vaping in 47 countries shows prevalence of past-month frequent vaping relatively low at 1.7 percent