Later cisgender identities more common among youth with initial social transition before age 6 years

Treatments based on cognitive behavioral therapies may reduce depressive symptoms, but evidence lacking for effect on anxiety

Odds of receiving any school mental health services were greater in 2019 than each year from 2009 to 2018

1999 to 2019 saw increase in mortality rates for opioid-only and opioids in combination with other substances

Significant improvement in mental health composite score, but not in physical composite score of health-related QoL

Individualized multidomain interventions equally effective for improving cognition in women, men

Rate significantly higher than seen with other pneumonias

Prevalence of smoking decreased for U.S. adults with major depressive episode, substance use disorder, or both between 2006 and 2019

Best-fitting model in path analysis suggests bidirectional relationship between GI issues, internalizing symptoms in children with ASD

Risk for chronic cardiovascular, endocrine, neurologic conditions increased with any degree of severity of traumatic brain injury