Many teens with severe substance use symptoms had symptoms for alcohol, cannabis, prescription, and other drug use disorders in adulthood

Increases in substance use disorders, psychiatric disorders, pain diagnoses, health care use and spending seen in survivors

Of homicides occurring at home, sevenfold increased risk for being fatally shot by spouse, partner seen for cohabitants of gun owners

Exposure to two or all three abuse categories associated with further increased risk for multiple sclerosis

Many patients filling buprenorphine prescriptions written by emergency physicians do not subsequently fill prescriptions for the treatment

Commonly prescribed antipsychotic medications taken late in pregnancy seem not to meaningfully increase NDD risk in offspring

Amygdala growth rate between 6 and 12 months linked to greater social deficits at 24 months when the infants were diagnosed

From 2018 to 2021, increases seen in number of fentanyl-containing powder seizures, number of pill seizures

Students who felt close to someone at school had lower prevalence of poor mental health, had considered or attempted suicide