Authors suggest that psychological factors, such as body image, may influence postoperative outcomes for breast reconstruction

Legislation seeks to develop national standards of care for victims of sexual assault, provide greater access to rape testing kits

Most significant increase was seen for children aged 10 to 12 years, but all groups older than 9 years had increases

Women with high BMI throughout teens report significantly greater premenstrual symptoms in adulthood

People with multiple sclerosis had high use of telehealth during the pandemic

Prevalence of symptoms of depression and anxiety increased among those with COVID-19 who were bedridden for more than seven days

Evidence insufficient to support a recommendation for or against screening adults, teens for eating disorders

From 2019 to 2020, increases seen in behavior or conduct problems and decreases seen in preventive medical visits

Service members sustaining combat concussion were 37 to 49 times more likely to be in the worse disability trajectory

Thirteen state laws each linked to change of less than 1 percent in proportion of patients receiving any opioid prescription