Decreases seen in emergency psychiatric walk-in services, mobile crisis response, suicide prevention after launch of 988

Furthermore, survey reveals adults discount risk posed by firearm access

Older age, increasing medical complexity, specific psychiatric disorder were associated with prolonged boarding

Higher lithium serum levels linked to elevated rates of hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and CKD3+

Risk for death higher for individuals with hospital-based care for alcohol, stimulant, opioids versus cannabis use disorder

Early adult excess mortality higher than expected in 2019

Adverse childhood experiences linked to mental health problems and health care needs in multiple children in same family

Opioid prescriptions in the emergency department linked to small increases in hospital admission and subsequent opioid prescription use

Schizophrenia-associated increase seen from prelegalization to legalization of nonmedical cannabis periods

Association noted for eating disorder pathology with noticing labels more frequently, more frequent changes in behavior due to caloric values