Predicted probability of primary cesarean section was 3.5 percentage points higher for those with versus without disorders

Only 11 percent of preschoolers with ADHD diagnosis or symptoms received referrals for parent training in behavior management

Suicide risk significantly elevated for survivors alive beyond the age of 28 years; risk was lower for women than men

Three clusters replicated in samples with variety of trauma types; clusters showed different patterns of posttrauma symptoms

Two-year trajectory of depression symptoms significantly linked to cancer survival; association for anxiety not significant

16.5 percent had taken prescription medication and 10.1 percent received counseling or therapy in previous 12 months

Groups urge policymakers to increase funding to ensure all families can access mental health services

Evidence insufficient to evaluate the benefits and harms of screening for eating disorders in adolescents and adults

Majority of cases (88.3 percent) seen in women, especially those aged 50 years or older; incidence higher in middle-aged men than younger men

Combining varenicline with nicotine patch, extending treatment from 12 to 24 weeks did not increase smoking cessation rates