Much of the poor mental health during school closures tied to established risk factors

18.3 percent of respondents aged 50 to 80 years reported worse mental health; 29.0 percent made a lifestyle change to address mental health

Fatigue, shortness of breath, and depression are the most common long COVID-19 symptoms

Increases in cases mainly due to population growth and aging, with relative importance of these factors varying by region

Increase seen in percent of teens screening positive for depression, positive suicide risk screening, and recent suicidal thoughts

Thirty-one percent of participants with schizophrenia spectrum disorders installed app; app remained installed in 70 percent

Adult women with acne describe disruption to their personal and professional lives

Findings show even higher risk among those with severe mental disorders, like schizophrenia and bipolar disorders

Women disproportionately excluded in minimum hours requirement; tenure requirement excludes Blacks, indigenous, multiracial workers

Men ages 15 to 64 years of age were particularly hard-hit by excess deaths, while children were spared