Findings seen across alcohol, drug, and opioid use disorders
Rate of severe maternal morbidity 292.1 per 10,000 live births among those with OUD, with variation seen across states
Agency says baby food should contain no more than 10 parts per billion of lead
Older Black adults show lower cognitive scores and a higher likelihood of cognitive impairment
Burden greater for psychological and somatic menopause symptoms, but not vasomotor symptoms
Interruptive clinical decision support with an on-screen pop-up led to significantly more decisions to screen
Clinical practice guideline also presents recommendations for specialist care and primary care of patients with Alzheimer disease, dementia
More than half of the proteins were prospectively linked to cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and mortality
Findings seen among privately insured adolescents who identify as transgender and gender-diverse
More than half of those who reached threshold score for any common mental disorder had a chronic course