Increases of 2.5-fold seen for women, 2.4-fold for Asians and Pacific Islanders, 2.5-fold in the Midwest

OUD treatment continued to increase in intervention versus usual care clinics in trial of office-based addiction treatment

Findings seen across all racial and ethnic groups and all body mass index categories

Semaglutide and liraglutide also linked to reduction in risks for SUD hospitalization, somatic hospitalizations

Older adults with ADRD and polypharmacy experience more symptoms, have negative health outcomes

Increased risk for SSD seen within three years for individuals with ED visit for hallucinogen use compared with ED visits for alcohol, cannabis

However, authors caution there is little high-quality evidence

Greatest relative increases in AILD-related hospitalizations, liver transplants seen in younger individuals, especially women

Women with high versus low life stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD had differently abundant microbes

Significant bidirectional associations seen for obstructive sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, insomnia with CKD