The COVID-19 pandemic has affected physical and mental health worldwide, particularly vulnerable populations with lower social and economic status. This study explored the independent and combined effects of the COVID-19 [...]

Background: As COVID-19 surged in people experiencing homelessness, leaders at Boston Medical Center (BMC), New England’s largest safety-net hospital, developed a program to care for them. Aim: Provide an opportunity [...]

The prevailing evidence suggests that patients with severe COVID-19 seem to have an overreaction of the immune system demonstrating exacerbated levels of inflammation caused by a “cytokine storm.” At this [...]

The COVID-19 pandemic is imposing a profound negative impact on the health and wellbeing of societies and individuals, worldwide. One concern is the effect of social isolation as a result [...]

In March 2020, strict measures took place in Finland to limit the COVID-19 pandemic. Majority of Finnish COVID-19 patients have been located in southern Finland and consequently cared for at [...]

The emergence of the coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) resulted in a global pandemic. The psychological impact of an epidemic is multifaceted and acute, with long-term consequences.A cross-sectional online survey-based design was [...]

Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic is causing extensive morbidity and mortality and is fueling psychological distress across populations. Early evidence has shown an increase in anxiety, depression and sleep problems in [...]

To investigate SARS-CoV-2 (the virus causing COVID-19) infection and exposure risks among grocery retail workers, and to investigate their mental health state during the pandemic.This cross-sectional study was conducted in [...]

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and potential public health implications, we are publishing this peer-reviewed manuscript in its accepted form. The final, copyedited version of the paper will be available [...]

HIV healthcare providers might be vulnerable to mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic. Guided by the stress and coping paradigm, the current study aimed at examining the interactive effects [...]