Overall, retirement associated with higher levels of depression
Increases of 2.5-fold seen for women, 2.4-fold for Asians and Pacific Islanders, 2.5-fold in the Midwest
Semaglutide and liraglutide also linked to reduction in risks for SUD hospitalization, somatic hospitalizations
Greatest relative increases in AILD-related hospitalizations, liver transplants seen in younger individuals, especially women
Additional benefits include significant improvement in the physical and mental states of people with alcohol use disorder
Prescription of GIP/GLP-1 RA linked to lower rates of opioid overdose and alcohol intoxication
Higher binge-drinking prevalence reported by race, ethnicity-defined subgroups
Patients treated with antidepressants whose symptoms do not improve show more relapses in alcohol use disorder
Findings show risk cut in half based on electronic health record data
Reduction seen in incidence of composite outcome of all-cause mortality, return to hospital with MAUD initiation at discharge