Antimicrobials, vaccines, anti-inflammatories linked to reduced risk for Alzheimer disease and dementia; antipsychotics and diabetes drugs tied to higher risk
Clinical practice guideline also presents recommendations for specialist care and primary care of patients with Alzheimer disease, dementia
Older adults with ADRD and polypharmacy experience more symptoms, have negative health outcomes
Age, sex, irregular heart rhythm, and daily activity levels can predict cognitive decline and caregiver load over two years
Diagnostic accuracy 73 percent for dementia specialists compared with 91 percent using the APS2
Increase in plasma p-tau181 levels seen in patients with incident psychosis over follow-up versus those with psychosis at baseline
Significant associations seen between self- and study partner-reported Cognitive Function Index and tau driven by elevated Aβ
Models that enable primary care practitioners to diagnose and evaluate patients for treatment eligibility would have biggest impact on wait times