Risk for AD increased for parents of individuals with ADHD; associations attenuated with decreasing genetic relatedness

Individual doctors can prescribe Aduhelm, but patients would have to go elsewhere to receive the drug via infusion

Taking up reading, puzzles, and games even in one's 80s may provide cognitive protection

CMS says a final decision on coverage is not likely until next spring

Request follows reports that Biogen and the FDA held off-the-books meetings before the drug's approval that may have violated FDA protocol

Major changes to prescribing instructions are rare, especially so soon after approval; change could curb the drug's use

FDA approved Aduhelm earlier this month, despite advisory committee's conclusion that there was not enough evidence to support its effectiveness

Donanemab has already received a 'breakthrough therapy' designation from the FDA

Several experts have said the available evidence about Aduhelm raises significant doubts about its effectiveness

Agency says it has granted approval on the condition that drug maker Biogen conduct a new clinical trial