Expenditures significantly higher when medical complexity and autism overlap versus either one alone

Increase in odds of dementia diagnosis seen with age among those with ASD only and ASD plus intellectual disabilities

Estimated 61.8 million individuals were on the autism spectrum globally in 2021, with prevalence of 788.3 per 100,000 people

Greatest relative increase in diagnosis rate occurred among 26- to 34-year-olds; greater increases seen for females versus males

No increased rates of positive M-CHAT-R screening seen for offspring

XGBoost model demonstrated strong performance with AUROC of 0.895 and sensitivity and specificity of 0.805 and 0.829

Male infant sex and having more than one older affected sibling were significant predictors of familial recurrence

Findings show short-term benefits, which are largely not preserved at 12-month follow-up

Difference in heritability estimated at 11.3 percent, with higher heritability for males than females

Differences in motor skills, sensory and autism features, but not ADHD features, impact daily living skills in children with autism