Findings pronounced for young adult women who have more psychiatric diagnoses and hospitalizations than autistic men and nonautistic people
Pregnant people with autism also report lower satisfaction with prenatal health care
Index diagnoses without ADOS and reference standard diagnoses are consistent for 90.0 percent of children
Short-term exposure to air pollution may worsen symptoms of autism spectrum disorder in school-aged children
Associations attenuated in sibling analysis indicating that the links were not causal
However, behavioral problems in children, including children with autism, predict maternal depression
Varying conditions include presence of intellectual disability, genetic testing results, diagnosis timing
Genetic liability to ADHD, schizophrenia linked to pregnancy-related factors thought to be associated with these conditions
Prevalence of autism spectrum disorder higher in boys, with differences in prevalence seen according to family economic status
Exclusion from school, school absence, and foster care involvement also associated with higher risk for self-harm in adolescents