Authors say mobile devices for calming should be avoided in preschool-aged boys, children with higher surgency

Findings include worse brain white matter microstructural integrity, reduced cortical grey matter thickness, and decreased functional connectivity

12.8 percent of children with familial high risk for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder transition to different neurocognitive subgroup

Exposure tied to delay in gross motor, fine motor, and personal-social development

Problems with sleep, attention seen at age 3 years in children exposed to acetaminophen in utero

Only crude associations seen between risk for neurodevelopmental outcomes and exposure to antidepressants

Exposure to Hurricane Sandy in utero linked to increased risk for depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, attention-deficit/behavioral disorders

Associations attenuated in sibling analysis indicating that the links were not causal

Family Instability,Poverty & Crowded Housing, and Poverty & Parental Separation clusters linked to increased risk

Varying conditions include presence of intellectual disability, genetic testing results, diagnosis timing