More than threefold risk for welfare receipt seen for childhood abuse combined with intimate partner violence in young adulthood

Findings seen for multiple or persistent regulatory problems detectable in infancy through early childhood

Findings among children with developmental disorders, with benefits seen for parenting skills, too

Findings seen for children in both lower and upper elementary grades, although differences seen by sex and age

Authors say mobile devices for calming should be avoided in preschool-aged boys, children with higher surgency

Findings include worse brain white matter microstructural integrity, reduced cortical grey matter thickness, and decreased functional connectivity

12.8 percent of children with familial high risk for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder transition to different neurocognitive subgroup

Exposure tied to delay in gross motor, fine motor, and personal-social development

Problems with sleep, attention seen at age 3 years in children exposed to acetaminophen in utero