AMA survey reveals more physicians are working in large group practices and as employees

However, all Latino subgroups overrepresented in health care occupations requiring less than a bachelor's degree

No indication of increase in turnover seen during first three quarters of 2020, coincident with COVID-19

Both physicians, nurses rank improving nurse staffing as the most needed intervention

Patients with dementia are more likely to have a registered care partner with shared access to patient portal

Inflation-adjusted first postgraduate year salaries decreased 0.23 percent from 2000 to 2022 while rental prices went up 17.8 percent

Reasons for harassment vary, but include harrassment in response to making comments about the COVID-19 pandemic

Review generally revealed low-certainty evidence, particularly for longer-term effects

Transgender respondents who believe their clinician has lower knowledge about transgender care report higher psychological distress

Findings seen for both applicants and matriculants into M.D. programs in the United States from 2014 to 2019