U.S. counties with higher levels of health insurance, broadband coverage have lower suicide rates
Incentivizing smoking cessation increases cessation through 12 weeks, but not at 26 weeks, when missing data are treated as smoking
Neighborhood public assistance in early childhood associated with an increased risk for death by unnatural causes through midadulthood
Rates of autism diagnosis also higher for children of mothers from racial minority groups
Differences seen across race, ethnicities, and neighborhood disadvantage
Review also shows greater negative impact on cognitive outcomes from exposures
Older veterans living in more disadvantaged neighborhoods have increased risk for dementia in adjusted analyses
Association partially mediated by neighborhood-level socioeconomic factors
People experiencing homelessness also have increased odds of hospital admission
Inflation-adjusted first postgraduate year salaries decreased 0.23 percent from 2000 to 2022 while rental prices went up 17.8 percent