Predictors of emergency department avoidance include lower income, being uninsured, poor or fair mental/physical health, and younger age

Pediatric mental health visits with length of stay >12 and >24 hours accounted for 20.9 and 7.3 percent of all visits

Psychiatric comorbidities, chemical restraint use, public insurance tied to emergency revisits; substance use disorders associated with lower likelihood of revisits

No significant association observed between average annual emergency department volume and restraint use

Hotline started in July with mental health counselors working around the country and has answered about 8,000 calls a day since then

Increase started in 2019 and continued through pandemic; hospitalizations increased 57 percent between Fall 2019 and Fall 2020

Likelihood of presenting to emergency department after sexual assault increased for female, younger, and lower-income individuals

Lifeline call center received a total of 361,140 calls, chats, and texts last month

Hypertension was the most frequently observed chronic condition; hypertension and diabetes was most frequent pair

Association strongest for those with psychoactive substance use, mood disorders, adult behavior disorders