Children with greater moderate-to-vigorous physical activity had significantly lower Health and Behavior Inventory scores at one and two weeks postinjury

12-week app-based intervention reduced depressive symptoms, burnout, and absenteeism

Decreased risk seen for cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, gout, sleep disorders, and mood disorders

Review shows positive effects on cessation of substance use, aerobic capacity, depressive symptoms

However, no significant decrease seen in suicidal ideation or mortality between exercise and control groups

Factors including vaccination status, depression, psychological stress partially explain reduction in step counts

Nonsignificant effect seen for exercise on depression among patients with schizophrenia

Findings similar for healthy adults, as well as those with mental health or physical conditions

Larger benefit seen among those aged 13 years or older or with a mental illness, depression diagnosis

No benefit seen for episodic memory or executive function at six or 18 months for older adults