Most prominent increase seen for spouses of patients diagnosed with cancer with poor prognosis, at advanced stage
Systematic review finds acupressure better than acupuncture or electroacupuncture
Palliative and addiction medicine specialists provide consensus-based guidance for three common clinical scenarios
Standardized mortality ratio for suicide decreased from 2000 to 2016, but risk remains elevated, especially within first two years of diagnosis
Unmet social needs include family-level food insecurity, financial worry about housing costs and other monthly bills, and transportation challenges
Low-burden, point-of-care program may increase access to and impact of treatment to assist tobacco cessation
Higher school absenteeism, increased health care use, poorer mental health seen among children with a history of parental cancer
FCR decreased with age, but was observed across cancer types and continents, and for all time periods since cancer diagnosis
High psychological distress tied to lower quality of life, social isolation, impaired cancer care
AYA cancer survivors with versus without psychological distress have additional medical expenses, office visits, use of meds