American Psychological Association says these barriers ultimately harm patients

Rite Aid will stay open through bankruptcy but speed up certain store closings and sell Elixir Solutions, a prescription benefit provider

Workers are demanding the nation's largest nonprofit, private health care provider address low staffing levels

Workers are demanding the nation's largest nonprofit, private health care provider address low staffing levels

Workers are demanding the nation's largest nonprofit, private health care provider address staffing levels

Authors urge greater transparency of study results for drugs approved by the FDA

Furthermore, review found mixed to harmful impacts on quality of care

This year's report looked at women's health for the first time and also found pronounced disparities by state in access to prenatal care

AMA survey unearthed concerns about data privacy protections and confusion about who can access personal health information

In addition, 9.2 percent of parents report delaying or forgoing care for their children for fear of exposure to the coronavirus