Schizophrenia-associated increase seen from prelegalization to legalization of nonmedical cannabis periods
For individuals reporting past-year cannabis use, decreased odds of opioid misuse observed in states with medical cannabis legalization
Increase in cannabis poisoning seen with medical cannabis laws and recreational cannabis laws
Spreading misinformation to the community is least common reason for medical board discipline of physicians
Increase driven by individuals living in jurisdictions that permitted adult-use retailers
One life saved for every 17 extreme risk protection orders to remove guns from people at risk for harming themselves or others
Nadir in use was reported in 1992, with partial recovery through 2008 and substantial increases thereafter
Significant increases reported in frequency, size of seizures across all regions of the United States
Term is often cited in cases involving excessive force by police
Court is asking the parties to show whether bankruptcy law allows for a blanket shield from all litigation by opioid victims