Mortality ratio increased about threefold for pregnant and postpartum women aged 35 to 44 years

Risk for death was found to be exacerbated by comorbidities

Inverse association did not differ with caregiving frequency or when stratified by age, race-ethnicity, depressive symptoms

Increased risk seen for all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease mortality, with links consistent across subgroups

Opioid crisis hitting those without college education the hardest

2018 to 2021 saw 41.6 percent increase in firearm death rate; 82.6 percent of deaths were in children aged 15 to 19 years

Cannabis most common illicit drug, but polysubstance use also common

Rates of increase were higher among women than men, with 2018 to 2020 age-adjusted mortality rates up by 14.7 versus 12.5 percent

Age-adjusted rate of overdose deaths involving cocaine and opioids increased more quickly than cocaine alone from 2011 to 2021

83 percent of deaths due to external causes were excess, while 51 percent of deaths due to somatic causes were excess