Of homicides occurring at home, sevenfold increased risk for being fatally shot by spouse, partner seen for cohabitants of gun owners
But evidence suggests that reverse causation may play a role in the links between serum folate deficiency and dementia, all-cause mortality
During the pandemic, mortality in the 30 days after hospital admission for non-SARS-CoV-2 causes increased for Medicare beneficiaries
Clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness of simulated treatment strategies for injection drug use-linked IE compared in modeling study
Proportion of overdose deaths involving these drugs increased more than threefold between 2000 and 2018
Majority of premature firearm deaths seen in men, particularly suicides in older White men and homicides in younger Black men
Risk for deaths from natural causes, unnatural causes significantly increased for persons with autism spectrum disorder
Overall, intentional overdose deaths declined in recent years among men and women; rates higher among non-Hispanic Black women
Patients with symptoms of anxiety significantly more likely to use psychotropic medications after hospital discharge
No similar findings seen for middle-aged women