Mothers with MS have higher incidence of any mental illness and of all mental illnesses except suicide

Change in Modified Fatigue Impact Scale scores did not differ between the groups

Presence of three or more comorbidities, two or more cardiometabolic comorbidities, one psychiatric disorder linked to evidence of disease activity

Depression, sexual dysfunction, constipation, cystitis, UTI of unspecified site associated with MS diagnosis

Two versions can significantly reduce depressive symptoms in patients with multiple sclerosis

Clinicians can use early risk factors to identify patients who are more likely to have the worst physical and mental HRQoL trajectories

Exposure to two or all three abuse categories associated with further increased risk for multiple sclerosis

People with multiple sclerosis had high use of telehealth during the pandemic

People with multiple sclerosis, with or without depression, have increased risks for incident vascular disease, all-cause mortality

Most patients had co-occurring symptoms: 21.3, 19.1, and 17.4 percent had two, three, and four symptoms, respectively