Significantly more patients receiving cytisinicline versus placebo had continuous e-cigarette abstinence at the end of treatment

Benefit seen with additional six weeks of treatment after six weeks of initial failure with varenicline or nicotine replacement

Vaping tied to greater cigarette quitting in more recent years

However, ongoing use of e-cigarettes with nicotine was high

Quit rate higher for ECs than nicotine replacement therapy; at six months, 62.8 percent in EC arm still using ECs

Based on moderate-quality evidence, direct association seen for greater intensity of behavioral therapy with efficacy findings

Dulaglutide effective in preventing substantial weight gain, which was more common in women

Combination of a patch and fast-acting nicotine replacement therapy also effective

Cytisinicline well tolerated with only 2.9 percent of participants discontinuing due to an adverse event

Reduced risk seen for all CVD events, respiratory system disease events, hospitalization due to CVD or RSD, adverse birth outcomes