In a recent study, severe QT prolongation occurred in 13.0 percent of quetiapine and 14.2 percent of haloperidol users

Both behavioral activation psychotherapy and antidepressant medication management reduce depressive symptoms by about 50 percent

No significant changes seen in new prescriptions for antidepressants, benzodiazepines, or buprenorphine for opioid use disorder

No association seen between cannabis use and nonmedical opioid use in those receiving pharmacotherapies for OUD

However, the agency noted officials cannot rule out that 'a small risk may exist,' and it will continue to investigate

Functioning and mental health benefits sustained at one-month follow-up

Strongest demographic predictor for discharge initiation of medications for alcohol use disorder was younger age

No increased risk for suicidal ideation seen with semaglutide versus non-GLP1R agonist antiobesity medications

FDA is investigating reports of hair loss, aspiration, and suicidal thoughts among people taking the medications

Dulaglutide effective in preventing substantial weight gain, which was more common in women