Prevalence in which both parents experience mood disorders higher three to 12 months postpartum

Studies included in a scoping review suggest that screening for parental depression is feasible in pediatric settings

Unmet social needs include family-level food insecurity, financial worry about housing costs and other monthly bills, and transportation challenges

Higher school absenteeism, increased health care use, poorer mental health seen among children with a history of parental cancer

From 2019 to 2020, increases seen in behavior or conduct problems and decreases seen in preventive medical visits

Elevated risk for obsessive-compulsive disorder may be explained by differences in parental characteristics

Authors say young children with multiple eating problems may benefit from screening for developmental delay

Risk for loss was 1.1 to 4.5 times higher among children of racial/ethnic minorities compared with non-Hispanic Whites

Exposure to maternal depression both during pregnancy and postpartum strongly associated with depressive symptoms in offspring

Goal setting and positive parent-child relationships tied to less recent vaping