Sociodemographic, medical factors impacted prevalence of depression in seniors
Older Black adults show lower cognitive scores and a higher likelihood of cognitive impairment
Association observed between adults with MDD and hard braking and hard cornering events per trip
Authors call for clinicians to screen older adults
Decline seen in global cognition, memory in adults aged at least 50 years
Findings particularly pronounced for those experiencing pandemic-related stressors
CR plus transcranial direct current stimulation slows cognitive decline in older adults with remitted MDD with or without MCI
More than three-quarters of prescriptions were for a supply of more than seven days; 55 percent for 15 to 30 days
Optimal level of programming is at least three to four times a week in older adults with mild cognitive impairment
3.6 percent did not get prescription medications due to cost; 3.4 percent did not take medication as prescribed due to cost