However, potential class-dependent associations may exist

No significant increase seen with use of GLP-1 RAs versus SGLT2is or DPP4is among older Medicare beneficiaries

Higher levels of gratitude tied to 9 percent reduction in all-cause mortality and 15 percent reduction in cardiovascular death

Greatest rates seen in states or territories with both adult and medical use legalization

Letters reduce quetiapine use among nursing home patients, community-dwelling patients with dementia

Dose-response association seen with higher risk for each additional delirium episode

Odds of depression and anxiety symptoms rose in association with objectively measured vision impairment

TGD beneficiaries more likely than cisgender beneficiaries to use emergency department for mental health care

Sex differences seen, with women experiencing greater antidepressant use and less reduction in use

High false-positive rate seen when used in primary care with diverse patient population