Risks for disability and transition to probable dementia increased after ICU stay for seniors with dual eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid

Less than one-quarter of older adults report they would want to take it

Greatest excess risk seen for respiratory failure, fatigue, hypertension, memory difficulties compared with matched individuals without COVID-19

Findings independent of each other, with an even stronger effect seen for women with high levels of social isolation and loneliness

Increase seen in prevalence of clinically significant depressive symptoms accompanied by increased loneliness, worse QoL

Elevated resting heart rate also associated with accelerated cognitive decline

Rates of major depression lower among older adults with insomnia disorder who underwent CBT versus sleep education therapy

Digital voice recorder or smartphone apps can improve prospective memory function, QOL in older adults with mild cognitive disorders

Associations of housework with physical function and sensorimotor performance were intensity-dependent

Life-space assessments may help older adults better understand how cancer treatment impacts their lives, authors say