Rates of major depression lower among older adults with insomnia disorder who underwent CBT versus sleep education therapy

Digital voice recorder or smartphone apps can improve prospective memory function, QOL in older adults with mild cognitive disorders

Associations of housework with physical function and sensorimotor performance were intensity-dependent

Life-space assessments may help older adults better understand how cancer treatment impacts their lives, authors say

History of childhood abuse or intimate partner violence linked to greater depression, anxiety, and sleep problems during COVID-19 pandemic

Sleep disturbance in older adults also more common among those living with a partner and urinating at night

Biggest increases seen among Black, Hispanic individuals, although they were less likely to be living alone

Authors say physicians should screen and counsel older adults on alcohol use

Loneliness associated with use of NSAIDs, pain medicine, sedatives, anti-anxiety meds, and antidepressants

18.3 percent of respondents aged 50 to 80 years reported worse mental health; 29.0 percent made a lifestyle change to address mental health