Findings seen in analysis of 11 million pediatric emergency visits across 18 countries, with some differences by sex and age

Regional clozapine, ECT, and lithium treatment frequency related to lower adolescent excess suicide mortality for 15- to 19-year-olds

Periods of β-blocker treatment linked to reduced risk for psychiatric hospitalization, increased risks for suicidal behavior

Lower levels of frailty were associated with greater risk for suicide death

Fourteen of 15 patients has sustained remission; only one patient had persistent suicidal ideation, self-directed violence

Ask Suicide-Screening Questions instrument also performs well for universal screening in emergency departments

Additionally, universal screening increases initiation of mental health services

Highest age-adjusted 2021 suicide rates and highest relative percentage change seen for American Indian or Alaska Native persons

Among U.S. Veterans, risk was lower for supplemented Black veterans and those with 0 to 19 ng/mL vitamin D serum levels

Elevated risks seen across all sociodemographic groups, with particularly high rates for Hispanics, Medicaid-insured, uninsured