Highest age-adjusted 2021 suicide rates and highest relative percentage change seen for American Indian or Alaska Native persons

Among U.S. Veterans, risk was lower for supplemented Black veterans and those with 0 to 19 ng/mL vitamin D serum levels

Elevated risks seen across all sociodemographic groups, with particularly high rates for Hispanics, Medicaid-insured, uninsured

Greatest risk of suicide seen for male, White, and divorced or single patients

In interaction analyses, opioid misuse linked to increased odds of having suicide plan, suicide attempt for those with disabilities

Mental health workforce shortage linked to increased suicide rate and increased youth firearm suicide rate

Prevalence of suicidality, self-harm increased for children with gender dysphoria-related diagnoses in 2016, 2019

Increase started in 2019 and continued through pandemic; hospitalizations increased 57 percent between Fall 2019 and Fall 2020

Review shows that hotlines appear to be more effective at reaching some populations than others

Teens reporting four or more ACEs during pandemic had prevalence of poor current mental health four times higher than those without ACEs