Largest percentage difference between monthly numbers for 2019 and 2020 seen in April, which was 14 percent lower in 2020
Nurses with suicidal ideation also less likely to report that they would seek professional help
Effort also seeks to turn back the significant rise in suicides by military personnel and veterans
Risk highest in the first year after diagnosis, but remains higher in those living in the lowest-income counties
Meta-analysis shows tripled risk for self-injurious behavior and suicidality
Suicide risk significantly elevated for survivors alive beyond the age of 28 years; risk was lower for women than men
Positive associations of sexual minority status with time to first onset of suicide ideation and plan in adjusted analyses
Risk for each factor varies, but risk for severe suicide/self-harm alert is 70 times higher for youth with five or more online risk factors
Rates higher for female youth, those with no psychiatric history, and individuals with existing psychiatric diagnoses at time of encounter
Largest annual percentage change seen among Black girls