Significant disproportionality detected for semaglutide-associated suicidal ideation as adverse drug reaction
Increased risks for suicide attempts and suicide deaths higher during the first year after cancer diagnosis
Suicide incidence and PTSD prevalence significantly higher in patients with rare cancers versus common cancer types
Increases in recent years were preceded by declining trends for both male and female youths
Significant increases seen in all subgroups, with greatest increases for girls, American Indian or Alaska Native, and Asian or Pacific Islander preteens
Risk for any psychiatric disorders and suicide attempt increased among CVD patients, especially within one year after CVD
Odds of having mental health diagnosis lower for racial, ethnic minorities, those aged 10 to 14 versus 20 to 24 years
No significant increase seen with use of GLP-1 RAs versus SGLT2is or DPP4is among older Medicare beneficiaries
Increase driven by unsupportive families; no significant associations seen for youth living in supportive families