Possible dose-response relationship seen for concussions among boys

Industry groups with highest suicide rates include mining, construction, and arts, entertainment, and recreation

Increase tied to decline in living conditions for children, not illicit opioid use

Providers should screen for suicide risk at well-child visits starting at age 12 years and during higher-risk situations

Age-adjusted suicide rates increased 1 and 4 percent for males and females, respectively, from 2021 to 2022

Facing more adverse conditions has additive effect on risk for contemplating suicide

From 2001 to 2021, largest percent increase in suicide rates occurred for men ages 55 to 64 years and women ages 65 to 74 years

Findings seen for the high-risk population of teens with bipolar spectrum disorder

The services use a videophone device that transmits video and audio

Independent association seen for genetic liability to ADHD with risk for anorexia nervosa; bidirectional link noted to major depressive disorder