Only 11 of 79 brain measures differed significantly among children aged 9 to 10 years with ADHD compared with their peers without ADHD

Risk for deaths from natural causes, unnatural causes significantly increased for persons with autism spectrum disorder

Among those with ADHD, factors associated with GAD included being female and having low income, lifetime history of depression

Only 11 percent of preschoolers with ADHD diagnosis or symptoms received referrals for parent training in behavior management

Risk for AD increased for parents of individuals with ADHD; associations attenuated with decreasing genetic relatedness

Odds increased for developing alcohol use disorders, cannabis use disorders, other drug use disorders

While nearly one in three will experience points of remission of ADHD symptoms, most experience recurrence over time and few outgrow it

Lisdexamfetamine found to reduce symptoms of sluggish cognitive tempo in small group of adults with ADHD

ADHD medications may moderate the association between externalizing symptoms and risk for suicidality in children

Odds of ADHD symptoms increased for children with exposure in prenatal period, early postnatal period, current period