6.7 percent increase seen in youth with any mental health emergency department visit, and larger increase (22.1 percent) seen for female teens

Mean weekly cannabis-involved emergency department visits higher during 2020, 2021, 2022 than corresponding periods in 2019

Authors say changes in body weight perception could undermine efforts to tackle obesity

Estimated prevalence of learning disabilities over time was 8.83 percent

Co-occurring diagnoses more prevalent among youth whose electronic medical record-reported sex was female, those with private insurance

Children, adolescent, and young adult patients with cancer at increased lifetime risk of diagnosis or increased severity of depression, anxiety, and psychotic disorders

However, coinciding increases in binge drinking seen among adults ≥31 years

Effect of testosterone on anterior prefrontal cortex engagement decreases from middle-to-late adolescence, then shifts into activational role

Suicide rate tripled for those aged 10 to 14 years from 2007 to 2018, while homicide rates doubled from 2016 to 2021

However, no association seen for teen alcohol consumption and depression