Largest annual percentage change seen among Black girls

Approximate doubling in rate of BMI increase seen between prepandemic and pandemic periods; higher increases reported for those with overweight, obesity

Higher Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire total score correlated with higher frequency of severe attacks, lower drug efficacy

Mild-to-moderate atopic dermatitis not linked to symptoms of depression, but linked to internalizing behaviors from age 4 years

While nearly one in three will experience points of remission of ADHD symptoms, most experience recurrence over time and few outgrow it

Likelihood of using substances up when youth were stressed by pandemic-related uncertainty, family experienced material hardship

Vaping cessation behaviors tied to tobacco co-use, vaping device, harm perceptions, and reasons for vaping

Findings seen in longitudinal study of U.S. teens of diverse backgrounds recruited from schools in the Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota area

Findings based on surveys of Ohio State students in August 2020 and April 2021

Pooled prevalence estimates 25.2 and 20.5 percent for clinically elevated depression and anxiety symptoms, respectively