Biggest benefits seen for internalizing behavioral issues and prosocial behavior
Parents consistently report higher perceived levels of teenagers' social and emotional support compared with teens' self-report
Teens who are being bullied, have hostile parents, or have parents who do not monitor media are at risk
Adolescents who experience moderately and highly insecure housing have reduced odds of excellent health
Evidence seen for dose-response association, with 33 percent increased risk for one-unit lower cognitive function
Most common modifications to disposable pods were refilling and recharging the battery
Bipolar diagnosis substantially cuts inpatient care in all age groups, which coincided with drop in antidepressant use
Positive association also seen with the length of phone use sessions
Findings among sexual and gender minority youth followed for roughly 3.5 years
Study finds reduction in impulsive-reactive behavior-related crimes but not those with intent or planning