Inclusion of all mental health measures yields very modest increase in C-index and specificity, with no change in sensitivity
More than half of those who reached threshold score for any common mental disorder had a chronic course
CBD did not meet primary end point comparing preingestion to postingestion anxiety, but resulted in lower anxiety levels
Depressive symptoms, anxiety seen across patient groups referred to Austin Hospital First Seizure Clinic
Women with high versus low life stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD had differently abundant microbes
Palliative care consultations have no significant impact on the likelihood of documented treatment
Highest percentage with mild, moderate, severe symptoms of anxiety or depression was seen for adults aged 18 to 29 years
Moderate and extreme anxiety/depression linked to HRQoL losses, regardless of pain or discomfort
Sleeplessness cuts across political parties equally
During the study period, there was an 11-fold increase in food allergy-related referrals