Risk for death higher for individuals with hospital-based care for alcohol, stimulant, opioids versus cannabis use disorder
Schizophrenia-associated increase seen from prelegalization to legalization of nonmedical cannabis periods
Anterior insula, medial prefrontal cortex, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex associated with history of heavy use
Findings seen for younger adults across cannabis use disorder severity levels
For individuals reporting past-year cannabis use, decreased odds of opioid misuse observed in states with medical cannabis legalization
Increase in cannabis poisoning seen with medical cannabis laws and recreational cannabis laws
CBD did not meet primary end point comparing preingestion to postingestion anxiety, but resulted in lower anxiety levels
Increase driven by individuals living in jurisdictions that permitted adult-use retailers
Age-corrected standard scores for children's attention and inhibitory control lower for those exposed to cannabis
Higher odds of past-month cannabis use linked to residing in states where cannabis is legal, past-year depressive episode