Greatest rates seen in states or territories with both adult and medical use legalization
Nadir in use was reported in 1992, with partial recovery through 2008 and substantial increases thereafter
Risk increased for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and intellectual disability
Proportion of patient-reported qualifying conditions with substantial, conclusive evidence of therapeutic value decreased
Prevalence was lower in Western versus Southern census regions, in states with regulations, in states with legal adult-use marijuana
Proportionately lower log odds seen for heart disease, MI, stroke, composite outcome for days of use between zero and 30 a month
For people with CUD in 2004 to 2014, specialty treatment decreased in states with medical cannabis laws with dispensary provisions
Findings show threefold higher risk compared with the general population and even higher risk among young men
No association seen between cannabis use and nonmedical opioid use in those receiving pharmacotherapies for OUD
Use more likely among unmarried or unpartnered adults and those consuming alcohol