Among patients with ADRD receiving care from a home health agency, antipsychotic use was tied to less improvement in activities of daily living

Divorce/separation less likely at later stages of dementia, more likely with more severe neuropsychiatric behavioral symptoms

Findings seen especially for fine particulate matter from agriculture and wildfires

Benzodiazepines, anxiety disorders linked to dementia risk, but no additional risk seen for benzodiazepines in patients with anxiety disorders

Accidents and behavioral disturbances most common reasons for visits among patients with Alzheimer disease and related dementias

Increased risk seen when time from index date was longer than 20 to 39 years and for diagnosis of depression in early, middle, late life

However, only about one in five has had such screening in the past year

Older veterans living in more disadvantaged neighborhoods have increased risk for dementia in adjusted analyses

To a lesser extent, engagement in creative artistic activities and passive mental activities linked to lower dementia risk